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Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Extended Reality (XR) for Human-Centered Computing

University of Michigan, School of Information

Indiana University, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering at IU Indianapolis

Application Deadline: January 02, 2024.

The Department of Human-Centered Computing at Indiana University’s Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indianapolis invites applicants for a Tenure-Track faculty position in Extended Reality (XR). Exceptional researchers are being sought to join our fast-growing department. Candidates must demonstrate an outstanding scholarly record of research, exhibited by high-impact peer-reviewed publications and a forward-looking, vigorous research agenda that will secure competitive, external funding. The ideal candidate will strengthen and complement faculty research in the department by using creative and innovative approaches to address fundamental HCI and informatics challenges with broader societal impact. Candidates will leverage the strengths of the IUI campus, including its well-connected urban campus, civically engaged faculty, and interdisciplinary environments connected to nationwide leadership in the health and life sciences.

Indianapolis and the surrounding region has seen significant recent investment through public-private partnerships that bring opportunities for innovation to the Hoosier state. Within the last year, key partnerships in edge computing, industry 4.0, and chip manufacturing have created opportunities for the Luddy School to maximize its impact and research agendas in innovation within Indiana’s robust health, manufacturing, and sports ecosystems.



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