Project: Digital Methods Platform for Arts and Humanities (DiMPAH)
The EU project Dimpah (Digital Methods Platform for Arts and Humanities), funded 2021-2023 has now been completed and all the seven planned developing open educational resources (OERs) are available at the DARIAH Teach platform:
Data Analysis with Python, lead by University of Amsterdam. The OER relies on Python to demonstrate basic digital methods for data analysis. Available at:
Text Analysis: Linguistic Meets Data Science, lead by Linnaeus University. The OER builds on the former OER and goes deeper into text analysis. Available at:
Digital Historical Research on European Historical Newspaper with NewsEye Platform, lead by University of La Rochelle. Building on text analysis, the OER supports digital research on historical newspapers through its NewsEye platform developed as part of another EU project. Available at:
Netnography, lead by Linnaeus University. The OER targets netnography as a digital method which builds on text analysis. Available at:
E-spectator Digital Tool for Analysis of Performing Arts, lead by University of La Rochelle. The OER focuses on a digital tool for analysing performing arts. Available at:
Design, Development and Deployment of Augmented Reality Applications, lead by University of Cyprus, contributed to by Linnaeus University. The OER builds AR for cultural heritage to support their digital exploration. Available at:
Introduction to Knowledge Organization Systems, lead by University of Porto, contributed to by Linnaeus University. The OER demonstrates the need, potential and challenges of ways to organize knowledge for DH, focusing on cultural heritage information objects. Available at:
Submitted by Koraljka Golub - Linnaeus University, iInstitute