University of South Florida, School of Information
Application Deadline: February 28, 2024.
The School of Information at the University of South Florida seeks to fill a 9-month, full-time and tenure-earning, Assistant Professor position with a start date of August 7, 2024. Salary is negotiable. Applications will be reviewed as they are received, although the closing date is Feb 28th 2024, interviews will begin in December 2023 so earlier applications are encouraged.
Minimum Qualifications:
Ph.D. in Information Science, Library Information Science, Decision Sciences, or related discipline is required. Applications from individuals who are ABD will be accepted, but the degree must be conferred by appointment start date.
Preferred Qualifications:
Preference will be given to applicants whose research focus is on one of: Cybersecurity, Health Informatics, Data Science, or Library Information Science, and who have one year or more of university-level teaching experience.
To apply visit https://www.usf.edu/work-at-usf/careers/ and search job id 35269. When applying, please attach the following documents as one combined PDF: a cover letter, CV, teaching philosophy, evidence of successful research, teaching evaluations, and provide names and contact information for three references.