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Kyungpook National University

Department of Library and Information Science

Kyungpook National University
Kyungpook National University


Asia Pacific

Member Since 



The department has been renamed from Library Department in 1974 to Library and Information Science (LIS) in 1991. LIS established graduate course in 1978, and PhD course in 2000. It is developing into an institution training information experts.
The educational goal: LIS is a department studying theories and methods regarding selection, organization, storage, and dissemination scientifically. Using traditional methods and computers, LIS has intention to train abilities to understand and utilize those skills.
LIS selects and collects the best from a lot of information and knowledge, and it organizes information systematically to use it conveniently. Also, there are multimedia-rooms where students can practice LIS.
Career guidance: Students with enough knowledge and skills will get librarian license including LIS degree and second librarian license. After graduation, they can have a job such as public libraries or companies or press media.

iSchool Contacts

Eun Rha

Eun Rha


Information Service

Eun Rha

Eun Rha

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