Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Berlin School of Library and Information Science
Member Since

The Berlin School of Library and Information science is the only university in the German-speaking world where students can get a BA, MA, or PhD in the field of Library and Information Science. The Berlin School was elected to membership in the iSchool Caucus in 2009, an indication of its role as one of the leading programs in Library and Information Science internationally.
As the only German school for Library and Information Science at the university level, we aspire to research that which preserves the focus of traditional library science, while embracing the shift in scholarly communication and the focus on digitalization.
Within the arena of information and knowledge processes and the development of new communication cultures, the interaction between humans and technology takes center stage in research and teaching. Students acquire professional competencies and skills by actively answering scientific questions. Students at the IBI also gain necessary management competencies that qualify them for a variety of visionary roles in designing information services and in librarianship.
Students and teachers must learn from each other. This reciprocity occurs through the use of modern pedagogy and by integrating students into research projects: both supporting and challenging them. Our students are versatile, flexible, and excellently educated information professionals