Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Humanities
Application Deadline: December 22, 2022
The Faculty of Humanities at Bar Ilan University seeks to fill two tenure track senior academic positions at the Department of Information Science.
Job requirements: Conduct of independent research at the highest level, full-time teaching according to the quota in an academic standard, supervision of research students, applications to national and international research grants, collaboration with researchers in Israel and abroad, teamwork with department staff, contribution to the promotion of the faculty and program.
Please note: Teaching language is Hebrew.
The position is subject to academic and budgetary approval by the University.
Applicants should specialize in one or more of the following areas:
Natural Language Processing
Big Data analysis and management
Network analysis
Data visualization
Image processing
Deep learning
Reinforcement learning
Cloud computing
Candidates with a doctorate in the following fields will be considered:
Information Science
Computer Science
Computer Engineering
Information Technologies
Information Systems
Industrial Engineering and Management
Digital Humanities
The staffing of the position will be carried out in accordance with academic procedures applicable at the university. The department is not obligated to accept any offer.
All applications must be sent to the secretariat at the Department of Information Science.
Please write in subject line: "Senior position – Department of Information Science”
Make sure your email is received.
Deadline for the submission is 22 of December 2022.
No submissions will be received after this date.