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Carnegie Mellon University's iSchool Students Develop AI Tool to Improve the Usability of Government Reports

Carnegie Mellon University, The Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy

Combing through countless PDF reports for hours in search of a piece of relevant information is no one’s idea of an interesting day at work. Tedious, overwhelming, soul-crushing, maybe. Engaging? Not so much.

Dedicated public servants – and lots of other people – do it anyway, often, in service to some larger goal: to make the case for a new policy, to advocate for funding, or to explain a position. Recently, a team of graduate students from Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy and Integrated Innovation Institute in Professor Chris Goranson’s Policy Innovation Lab: Public Interest Technology course came up with a generative AI application that helps researchers find the information they seek in a matter of seconds, not hours. 

Their tool, GovScan, provides government workers the ability to locate the proverbial needle in a haystack. 


News submitted by Jennifer Monahan, Carnegie Mellon University, The Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy

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